Joanne Richards

sports Massage Therapist

Joanne qualified as a Level 5 Sports and remedial Massage Therapist with oxford school of sports massage.

She has training of the highest standards in anatomy and physiology, and practical applications of massage including muscle energy techniques and soft tissue release.

Joanne has recently taken up rock climbing, has played field hockey and completed several triathlons and running events. Therefore, she is very aware of injuries that can occur during sporting activity, as well as how occupational and life stresses can impact on the body preventing us from from feeling and performing at our best.

She has found yoga, pilates and strength training complement other sporting activities.

Joanne is committed to providing the most up to date advice and believes in continued professional development.

She is qualified and has experience in using; myofascial dry needling, functional rehabilitation exercise, Swedish massage, Indian head massage, Kinesiology taping and myofascial cupping.

Joanne is a member of the Institute of Sport & Remedial Massage who set the standard for practitioners in the UK.

She also teaches a Pilates for Sport class designed to improve core strength and mobility for people who do sports.